Saturday, August 11, 2012

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012

vrijdag 10 augustus 2012 Up at 3:40. Turn on BBC News. Report - Bolt Makes History With 200m Gold. Only 3 more days for this Olympiad. It's funny. A couple of weeks ago, it was all very different. The Brits were griping so much about the games that the international media accused them of turning grumbling into an Olympic sport. Now they sound sad that it's almost over. Switch to KOMO News. Love the weather report - warm and sunny. A 78°F high. But... Sorry, but summer is almost outta here.
Finally finished my rice noodle salad for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Today's top topic is Why Mitt Romney Is Losing. This is juicy. Markos Moulitsas - from the Daily KOS - joins Stephanie to talk about rumors that Jon Huntsman Sr. is the source of Sen. Reid's evidence on Mitt Romney's taxes. I get to see T-Bone - Travis Bone - Stephanie's new, cute Associate Producer. You're so lucky, Steph! Short walk around d'town. Streetcar to work. I go between the Dolphins and Sea Otters. Some kids sleep through Mr. Darby. Set up lunches for the Sea Otters. Naps are a little tricky, but everyone sleeps. Over to Seahorses for Toni's lunch. Quiet time. Kenn makes play-doh while they nap. Walk up Westlake to Denny. #8 up to B'way. Wander around Capitol Hill. All the way to Madison. Checking out the Hunt Club at the Sorrento. I hear that they have a great happy hour.
Through Freeway Park back to my place. Thank you, kite people. 230 kites line the park from one end to the other. Chicken salad sandwich for dinner. Watch the Nightly News... and Rev. Al Sharpton. Interesting question - Who's Not On The RNC Speakers List? Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich... remember them? They're not on the speakers list for the Republican National Convention. They're some of the party's more "entertaining" figures.

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