Thursday, December 21, 2017

donderdag 21 december 2017

donderdag 21 december 2017 Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) loves the Twitter machine. After decades of bad trade deals, American workers need policies that will keep jobs here, but #GOPTaxScam makes it more profitable to ship jobs overseas. #ABetterDeal HBO 550 plays Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves at Midnight. I rather like the Mel Brooks version of the story - Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Christmas Rage Room Lets You Wreck The Halls With Holiday Havoc. At 1:06 - The songs... the cold weather. I'm a summer guy. I must have been in the Whang Place... In honor of Suzanne Whang's new jingle on The Stephanie Miller Show, let's hear Dr. John sing. At home sick today. Let's watch The Pink Panther. Nominated for two Razzies in 2006. Don't! It hurts when I laugh!

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