Tuesday, November 23, 2010

dinsdag 23 november 2010

snow day dinsdag 23 november 2010 Midnight movie - The Simpsons Movie. Grandpa's rant in church cracks me up every time: [shouting from church floor] Twisted Tail... A thousand eyes... Trapped forever! EPA, EPA, EEEEEEEEPA! Doze in and out of sleep while watching the movie. The wind rattles the windows again. Turn on CNN. Sad story about a High School football player who suffers from brain trauma.
Switch to KING 5. Talk about the school closings. I check our school. We're closed, too. Yay! Bratwurst, two fried eggs and some left-over burrito for breakfast. KIRO News shows the light traffic.
Shower. Watch Supernatural - Mystery Spot. Dean dies many, many times. Poor Sam who has to watch him die at least 100 times. Walk down to Whole Foods to pick up some Tandoori Chicken, coconut rice and salad bar. Brrr. I hear on the radio that it's 24.0 °F Listen to The Conversation. They talk about Seattle Snowpocalypse 2010. Yep. We live in a region that's paralyzed by three inches of snow. Why is that? People call in to swap stories about their commute stories. Who are the heroes of the weather emergency? Is today a happy accident, an irritating inconvenience, or a hardship? Are you ignoring the weather and going about your regular business? This looks like the usual sled ride down Denny Way on Capitol Hill.
Drag my stuff to my apartment. Balance the check book. Back over to #404. Warm up with France 24. The Culture Report has a little report about how musicians are using iPhone apps to make music. While Atomic Tom was touring NYC, their instruments were stolen. So, they improvised this concert on the subway using their iPhones. Cool! Play - Atomic Tom - Take Me Out.

Watch movie - Showboy. Christian Taylor is a smart, quiet guy without much talent, but he tries to find his niche in Las Vegas. He's a gay character who is inoffensive without being bland, and sexy without being salacious. He gets knocked down but he never quits.
SyFy marathon starting with Star Trek - Enterprise: Fusion... Stargate Universe - Visitation and Stargate SG-1 - Metamorphisis. I doze off for a little while, but I wake at 10:30... In time for South Park - Creme Fraiche. I should go back to sleep, but I stay awake for Conan. His guest - Christine Applegate - is very pregnant. I like Maroon 5... especially lead vocalist Adam Levine... singing Give A Little More.

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