Sunday, May 31, 2009

zondag 31 mei 2009

zondag 31 mei 2009 Up at 5:20. Turn on Mind Over Matters. It deals mostly with the subject of environmentalism. Clayton Thomas-Müller - of the Mathais Colomb Cree Nation (Pukatawagan) in Manitoba - talks about how the damming of Churchill River has polluted the lakes. Mike McCormick interviews the makers of the movie - A Sea Change. Imagine a world without fish. Rice and sausage for breakfast. Catch the 8:15 #24 up to Magnolia. Ride bike up to Ella Bailey Park.Ride over to Magnolia Village and cruise around. Speaking of cruising... A handsome young man is waiting for the #24. What's the meaning of a black handkerchief in the left pocket?He's heading for the Bluff. I'm heading d'town. #24 to 2nd and Blanchard. Ride home. Turn on KUOW to hear A Prairie Home Companion. QFC fried chicken and salad for dinner. Watch movie - Jumper.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

zaterdag 30 mei 2009

zaterdag 30 mei 2009 Up at 3:06. Turn on BBC News. Report - Germany Picks Magna To Save Opel. Never heard of Magna... but jobs are saved. Germany breathes a sigh of relief. Discussion - Concerns in South Korea with North Korea. Study the BBC profile of South Korea. I can access their media in English - KBS GLOBAL. Left-over spaghetti and sausage for breakfast. Bath. Ride bike down to HomeStreet. ATM cash. Head up to South Lake Union. Up to 6th Ave. West and W. Ewing on the South Ship Canal Path.Ride back up to Hutch Kids. Help setup mostly the new Sea Otter classroom. I'm all over the place. Frantic clean up from 11:30 to 1:03... We did it! Ride home. Oh! A bike stud at 9th and Pike!Drop off my bike at home. Walk up to M Street to get a few things. Home again. Turn on Rick Steves program.

Friday, May 29, 2009

vrijdag 29 mei 2009

vrijdag 29 mei 2009 Up at 3:57. The birds wake me up. Turn on BBC News. North Korea fires another short-range missile today, the sixth this week. Rice, sausage and re-fried black beans for breakfast. I'm psyched for Clean Up Day. Bath. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Hal Sparks joins the show. I love that guy!Up to Kaladi for some of Jeremiah's coffee. Hang out in the shop. Back to my place for a little bit. Streetcar to work. Lots of people come early for Cleaning Day. Hang out with the 5 Seahorses sharing my slinky with them. 10 - Over to Sea Otters. Elaine and I take the four of them for a stroller ride to the Thomas building.David show us the "doggy statue" which is really Etude de Femme by Rodin.Back to the classroom. We clean out the shelves of all the toys. A couple kids feel the need to shelve themselves. Clean the chairs and cubbies. Lots of crud! Goo Gone destroys my last brain cell. Glad to leave at 2. Streetcar to d'town. Listen to KUOW Presents. The chair of the Snohomish tribe - Michael Evans - shares songs with The Northwest Boys Choir. The songs are beautiful. #41 bus tunnel to University. Oh! Another train test! Cool! Back to my place. Turn on The World. Take a short walk up Pike and down Union and through the Freeway Park. I see the moon in the blue sky.Listen to Air America. Lisa Birnbach talks about an interesting subject... promoting her new book... 40% Off Is The New Black. What's good about the recession? "Blind-side economics is over." "Living within our means." "It's been an equalizer... for a lot people." Spaghetti and sausage for dinner. Watch movie - Twilight. The scenery of the Pacific Northwest forests, rivers, and coastline is breathtaking. I love this movie, but I conk out in the middle of it.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

donderdag 28 mei 2009

donderdag 28 mei 2009 Little sleep last night. Up with alarm. Left-over Panang beef on rice for breakfast. Turn on Stpehanie Miller. Steph talks about Limbaugh's latest idiocy... calling Sotomayor a racist. To these hopeless bigots, racism only exists when the white racists anoint it as such.Walk up to Victrola for Guatemala coffee. Busy shop... a few tourists. Cute roaster guy is hauling huge bags of coffee beans. STUD! Drop by my place for a little while. Walk up Westlake. A cute, young guy turns into the Urban Rest Stop. Hard times for so many people. 9 to 9:45 - Planning time for Elaine. Graham crackers and O. J. for snack. 9:45 - breaks starting with Leisha. The Starfish are going to take the streetcar and the monorail... picnic at the Seattle Center. Sea Otters and Seahorses share the deck. Fun! 10:45 to 12:00 - Margot's break and meeting with Misti. Dolphins and Sea Otters take to the sunny playground. Andy rolls up his short sleeves to bare his pale arms to the world. I share the slinky with Kaleb and David. They're fascinated with it. We draw an audience of 10 other kids. The kids seem ok to say 'Bye' to the slinky. 12 - Elaine's lunch. Mimi has some pesto hummus. 1 - Margot's lunch. Nap time was fairly easy. The sunshine has drained them. Streetcar to d'town. Walk up to M Street Grocery. Get some wine, pork basil & garlic sausage and batteries. Back to my place. Turn on The Ron Reagan Show with guest host Lisa Birnbach. She talks about The Great Hugging Epidemic Of 2009.It’s a natural inclination for humans to embrace and show affection. Litigious, petrified, secularised, depersonalised, dehumanised societies like the UK and US, where even the most animating and chaste forms of public displays of affection are shunned. Life is short, friends. Obama is to blame. On election night, people were dancing, hopping and hugging so much..! It's still going. Walk around First Hill. Oh! All hail, The Flying Spaghetti Monster... I see it on a blue bug.Linger in Freeway Park. So sunny! But the trees give us shade. Home again. Watch Legend Of The Seeker - Reckoning.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

woensdag 27 mei 2009

woensdag 27 mei 2009 Up at 3:55. Turn on BBC News. I'm not really listening to it, though. Spaghetti Carbonara for breakfast. Turn of Stephanie Miller. She mentions that the Liberty Counsel is "pro" denying civil rights. Prop 8 Advocates: Grandfathering Gay Marriages Akin to Letting Landowners Keep Slaves After Abolition Ridiculous! Up to Kaladi for some of Luka's coffee. Jeremiah is working in the office. Walk down Pine to 9th and down Westlake to work. 9 to 11 - Planning time for Charmaine. Kenn covers for Andy. It's mostly our jobs to keep these 6 active Dolphins out of trouble. Kenn gets an inspiration - wearing blue latex gloves on the feet. Fun!
11 - Lunch prep for Starfish and Seahorses. 12 - Elaine's lunch. 8 Sea Otters munch on mac & cheese, pizza and yogurt. 1 - Margot's lunch. There's a little struggle to get them to sleep... not much. Walk up to Whole Foods to get a few things. Eat my lunch - Panang beef on rice and a salad. Turn on The World. The interview with Laura Zuckerman - the author of Sorbonne Confidential - is interesting.Ride bike back to work for our STARS class in interior decorating. Celeste and Sarah put together a brilliant class. They bring in the philosophy of Te Whariki to help shape our environment. Belonging - "Do you know me?" Well-being - "Can I trust you?" Exploration - "Do you let me fly?" Communication - "Do you hear me?" Contribution - "Is this place fair for us?" Bike back to my place. Watch Star Trek - Charlie X.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

dinsdag 26 mei 2009

dinsdag 26 mei 2009 Up at 2:55. Turn on BBC News. North Korea 'Fires More Missiles'Doze back to sleep. Up with alarm. Chili and rice for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. They talk about the nomination of Sotomayor and the Prop. 8 decision. Historic Nomination: Hispanic Sotomayor As Justice. Demonstrations are planned in many cities. (Seattle Demonstrates Against Prop. 8 yesterday.) Walk up Westlake to work. 9 to 11 - Planning time for Elaine. Kenn covers for Margot. Only 6 Sea Otters. We read books, blow bubbles and spy on the Dolphins. 11 - Lunch prep for Starfish and Sea Otters. 12 - Leisha's lunch. 6 Starfish get a little silly at the lunch table. 1 - Gloria's lunch. Wait for Seahorses to come back from their field trip to REI. They conk right out. Get some Panang Beef at the Thai Food Truck. Streetcar to d'town. Drop off stuff at home. Check the news. California High Court Upholds Gay Marriage Ban. That's too bad but not unexpected.Local reaction to the California Supreme Court ruling upholding the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage was swift and strong. Local gay-marriage advocates, opponents react to ruling I see on the news - scores of people rallied in downtown Seattle to protest a California Supreme Court ruling that upheld that state's gay marriage ban. Joe Mirabella helped organized the Tuesday evening rally at Westlake Center. People Are Sick And Tired Of Being Second Class Citizens.

Short walk around First Hill. Back at home. Play Star Trek episode - The Ultimate Computer. "Phasers on 1/100 power." War games turn deadly because M-5 goes CRAZY! In honor of North Korean missiles...Watch movie - Team America - World Police!

Monday, May 25, 2009

maandag 25 mei 2009

maandag 25 mei 2009 Up at 12:57. Play movies - Monty Python's Holy Grail and The Meaning Of Life.
God: What are you doing now?
King Arthur: Averting our eyes, oh Lord.
God: Well, don't. It's just like those miserable psalms, always so depressing. Now knock it off!

Knight 1: We are the Knights who say... NI!

Craziest adventure ever! John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin have returned to explain The Meaning of Life. It's a lot about Why We Fight Each Other.

I love Monty Python. The usual Python targets are all here, all to illustrate a very valuable point. I think it's something like: Life is really short, the world is a confusing mess, hypocrites and scoundrels are plentiful, stupidity is more plentiful than any other substance in the universe. The meaning of life is to try your best to dodge all of this meaninglessness and do so with a measure of personal grace. The meaning of life is in how we face what is thrown at us.

"Pie Jesu Domine. Dona Eis Requiem." Thunk!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

zondag 24 mei 2009

zondag 24 mei 2009 Sleep until 6:30. Turn on Mind Over Matters. Listen to Between The Lines. Scott Harris interviews Elizabeth de la Vega,
former U.S. prosecutor - Best Way Forward on Torture Accountability:
Special Prosecutor or Truth Commission? This is such a serious issue. Such a terrible conundrum. Egg sandwich for breakfast. Bath. Check e-mail. "0" Ride bike up Melrose and down Lakeview to Lake Union. Head up to Fremont.Many parts of the bike paths and the ship canal make a gorgeous urban setting, with boats passing by the floating ducks, people jogging and bicycling under the poplars, and the people along the low-slung corporate buildings that face the path sunning themselves in expensively landscaped courtyards. You get great views of houseboats and bridges... and the grass is green. Cruise around the Fremont neighborhood. Fremont is Fun!

Eclectic, laid-back... and a little odd... but in a good way. The smell of coffee is everywhere. Over to Gasworks Park to admire the skyline of Seattle.On my way back to d'town, the Fremont bridge opens.Back at my place, I upload all this stuff. Turn on NPR News. Oh! There's Al Gore! He talks about Global Warming and says, "It's not a matter of theory." Yey, Al Gore! Why are so many Americans so thick-in-the-skull about this issue?Catch a #60 to Beacon Hill. Walk up and down various streets. There are some nice homes - some very old and some ultra modern. #36 back to d'town. At home again. Turn on BBC News. Chili on rice for dinner.

zaterdag 23 mei 2009

zaterdag 23 mei 2009 Up at 4:02. Why can't I sleep in? Watch NBC News. Turn on Mind Over Matters. Robert McChesney talks about Journalism & The Crisis Of Democracy - Alternative Radio. Interesting subject. Walk d'town. Leafblower at Westlake Center wrecks my bliss. Oh the noise and pollution that thing puts out!
Catch a #16 to Seattle Center. Walk from west entrance. Who is Doctor Noize? He looks cute.
Walk to Int'l Fountain. All the commercialism for the Folklife Festival. #17 from Queen Anne to Pike Market. Walk back to my place. Take bike for a ride. Visit Quest Field. Oh! Light-rail trains whoosh by me. Cool! Ride up the waterfront through Myrtle Edwards Park. Up to Smith Cove. Look at those huge cruise ships! Low tide.
At West Marina Place, I turn around.
Back through the Olympic Sculpture Park. Split - the tree of steel - shines brightly in the sunshine.
It takes 5.64 mi. to get from West Marina to my place. Drop off bike. Turn on NPR. Walk up to Cal Anderson Park. Cute boy!
Turn on Rick Steves' program. Castles in Europe; High School Visionaries The Caernarfon Castle sounds fascinating. It is architecturally one of the most impressive of all of the castles in Wales. It was intended as a seat of power - and as a symbol of English dominance over the subdued Welsh. Rick plays some quotes from Monty Python's Holy Grail. Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you. He also talks about how American high school students travel to Guatemala each summer... to learn first-hand how connected we really are in our modern world. Rick interviews a student. He actually brings up the "I" word - Imperialism... referring to American Imperialism.

Friday, May 22, 2009

vrijdag 22 mei 2009

vrijdag 22 mei 2009 Up at 4:43. Turn on BBC News. Report - India's New Government Sworn In. Check RTBF - Barack Obama Reste Déterminé à Fermer Guantanamo. Switch to Stephanie Miller. They refer to the bobbily boobbily Rush Limbaugh on the Keith Olbermann show. Rush lies about L. A. being saved from a terrorist attack by torturing some people.
Toast and egg for breakfast. Bath. Take my own coffee on my walk to work. 9 to 11 - Bike Room project. Transfer junk from Pre-school storage to the Bike Room. Anne helps. Sharyn seems burned out on organizing this project. This job makes me dizzy. Anne says that it's visually overstimulating. True. Ask to start lunch prep early. "Sure!" I get everything done. Yahoo! Dolphins and Sea Otters walk to Fairview Park. 12 - Elaine's lunch. 1 - Margot's lunch. Sanne is supposed to leave at 1, but she doesn't. Elaine manages to get David to sleep. Catch the 2:00 streetcar. Oops. I forget my camera bag. #41 bus tunnel to Pioneer Square. Visit Michael at work. He walks with me about half-way to Uwajimaya. Get some sake, spinach and Pad Thai. #72 bus tunnel back to my place. Drop off stuff. Quick! Run down to streetcar station to get the 3:30 trip to The Hutch. Grab my camera bag. "Now I can start my weekend." Streetcar - 4:00 - to Westlake and 9th. Walk up 9th to my place. Turn on AM 1090 to listen to Nicole Sandler. She interviews author - Jeff Rubin - about his book - Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization.According to Amazon - It's a galvanizing account of how the rising price and diminishing availability of oil are going to radically change our lives. Jeff Rubin Predicts 'Mass Exodus' From Cars In US.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

donderdag 21 mei 2009

donderdag 21 mei 2009. Dream about some First People visiting Hutch Kids. One of them is having a heart attack. Trembling, I yell, "Someone call 911!" Then it starts to snow heavily. Up at 4:01. Turn on BBC News. Frittata for breakfast. Bath. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) calls in at 6:05am Pacific to talk about the economy, torture, and the Gitmo controversy. Also, check out what Rep Ellison has to say on the Healthy Families Act.Yeah! We need it - desperately - Health Care. They also air Obama's Speech About Closing Guantanamo. Walk up to Kaladi for some of Jeremiah's coffee. The Good Stuff! Back to my place for a little while. Hurry up Westlake to work. I'm running late! 9 to 11 - Planning time for Lonnie. Only 4 Starfish for snack and a little freeplay. It's hard to decide the alternatives besides the Bike Room - closed until further notice. We take the Starfish out to the deck. We kick around some balls. Access to the Big Play Ground! Yey! 11 - Lunch prep for Dolphins and Sea Otters. 12 - Charmaine's lunch. I wish that I could sit and chat with the group, but I need to set up mats for nap time. 1 - Elaine's lunch. Everyone is asleep except for David. He never goes to sleep. Streetcar to d'town. Drop off stuff at my place. Turn on The World. Take a walk - a circle 8 - from Freeway Park down to Westlake Center. On The World, Adeline Sire reflects on the long life of the song "Calling You" from the 1987 film "Bagdad Cafe." I remember that song and the movie. It makes me cry a little. Memories. Switch to the Ron Reagan Show. He talks about the fear factor. He talks about how the media revs up fear... How we seem to enjoy the Frisson De Terreur. Well, I have a legitimate fear of being hit by a car. Drivers in Seattle are not watching pedestrians. It's crazy out there on the streets of Seattle. I have a close call every day! Usually, people how are running a red light while talking on their cell phones. I'm sick of it! Baked potato and curry chicken for dinner. Watch movie - The Last Starfighter. "It's a sparkling day! Sparkling!"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

woensdag 20 mei 2009

woensdag 20 mei 2009 Up at 3:02. Turn on BBC News. Doze back to sleep. Dream about making fried onions for Sara. Up again. Egg salad on steamed rice for breakfast. Bath. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Talk about stuff on Rachel Maddow last night. Guantanimby. Republicans play the Fear Card. Harry Reid is being stupid, too.Up to Kaladi. Give Luka my dimes and quarters to pay for my coffee. Drop back to my place for a little while. Walk up Westlake to work. Spend most of the day with the Sea Otters... all 8 of them. 9 to 11 - Planning time for Elaine. Kathy covers for Margot. We get out sensory tubs full of oats and pasta. The Sea Otters go for a rope walk while I set up their lunches. 12 - Elaine's lunch. Busy hour with a big lunch mess and silly Sea Otters running around. 1 - Margot's lunch. Mimi, Rowan and Jayna go right to sleep. David and Sanne stay awake. David watches me write in my journal. "What's that, Mike?" He has lots of questions. Streetcar to Whole Foods. Buy some stuff... including some Abel Clément Grenache - Vin de Pays du Vaucluse. Walk home and drop off stuff. #194 bus tunnel to Uwajimaya. Wow! The bus gets packed. Nice day for a walk. Visit the Union Square Fountain.Walk up 4th from Weller then up Pike to my place. Distance: 1.36 mi. - 40 min.
Spaghetii and curried chicken for dinner. Watch - Turnabout Intruder. OMG! Kick make a sex change! Janice Lester replaces Cap't Kirk. There goes the sun.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

dinsdag 19 mei 2009

dinsdag 19 mei 2009 Up at 3:56. Turn on BBC News. They're a busy news service. Two Iraqi men wade through the waters of the Euphrates in the southern city of Karbala, amid concerns that drought and intensive irrigation are draining the river system.They do a profile on Indonesia. Claire Bolderson does her Southeast Diary from Jakarta. Claire Bolderson travels to Singapore and Indonesia to look at the impact of the global economic crisis on peoples' lives there. Check out her photo set posted on Flikr > here. Egg salad on rice for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. She interviews Larry King about his new book - My Remarkable Journey. Bath. Walk down to HomeStreet to ATM some cash. Up to Whole Foods to buy some coffee - Sulawesi Toraja. Woodsy & wild with a sweet caramel finish It smells so good! Walk through Denny Park on my way to work. The city is renovating the Play Space.9 to 11 - Planning time for Olivia. The 9 Seahorses try the modified Bike Room. They scream and run around in circles. They are very loud! OMG Kenn is brilliant. He finds Obiyoyo. The acoustics in Bike Room are perfect for his telling the story. (I like Kenn's Rastafari accent and influence to the story.)11 - Lunch prep for Seahorses and Starfish. Over to the Trailblazers & Explorers. Lunch and naps for those 12 guys. They seem rather excited about the up-coming Graduation. Cake! Slideshow! Streetcar to d'town. Drop off stuff at home. Walk up to Cal Anderson Park. It drizzles on me. Back to my place. Turn on Ron Reagan. He interviews the author - - The Blogger On The Bus.Really interesting discussion about the influence of bloggers on politics. Yeah... bloggers! I like Keith Olberman... WTF! Small Business As An Excuse To Oppose Gay Marriage.Finish off the Mondo Burrito for dinner. Watch movie - Goldmember.

Monday, May 18, 2009

maandag 18 mei 2009

maandag 18 mei 2009 Up at 4:20. Turn on BBC News. Lots of news about Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka's rebel leader 'killed' Does Army Victory Mean Peace For Sri Lanka? Switch to Stephanie Miller... NOW LIVE IN NYC! on WWRL AM 1600. She talks about her appearance on Reliable Sources.
Chili on toast for breakfast. Take my own tea to work. Stop by Whole Foods to get a 2nd breakfast. Whew! $6.47 9 to 10:15 - Bike Room project. Dismantle the climber. Almost get a hernia from that. Renée, Misti and I tug and pull on that thing for 30 minutes until it finally comes apart. Move out the mats. 10:30 - Lonnie's break. 6 Starfish on the playground. Heni gets upset. I tell him - mit meinem Deutschen, "Sie kommt zurück." And he settles down. 11 - Lunch prep for the Starfish and Seahorses. 12 - Karen's lunch. I get to finish my left-over breakfast with the Trailblazers and Explorers. Jessica plays a story book - Knots On A Counting Rope.1 - Elaine's lunch. David is the only Sea Otter not asleep. Margot leaves for her break, too. David whines, "No Margot. Margot, Margot." He conks out. It's a long boring hour. Walk all the way home up Westlake. Get s Mondo Burrito at Taco Del Mar. Shop for a few things at M Street. There's Jake, the clerk taking a break outside. Drop off stuff at home. Short walk up Pike and down Pine. Sound Transit is preparing to build the U-Link. Making progress. Turn on The World. The story about Canada's Wartime Home Going Green caught my ear. The Geo Quiz takes me to Cologne.Watch Legend Of The Seeker - Sanctuary and Fever.

zondag 17 mei 2009