Sunday, May 12, 2024

zondag 12 mei 2024

zondag 12 mei 2024 Yes! MST3K: The Loves of Hercules. He's so pec-a-licious! Mickey Hargitay as Hercules.
Out for brunch at The Feve with a friend from Seattle. Nice to catch up on stuff... lots of stuff. Naturally, the restaurant is incredibly busy (and noisy) for Mother's Day. We ate at the bar.
Ten-minute tour of Oberlin College. One of my favorites... Peters Hall.
Up to visit Lakeview. Barbecue for Mother's Day? That's different.
Sit and sip some Hakutsuru sake. Oh my, oh my! It's sooo smooth. 😋
Hercules: What's your name, boy? Boy: Ulysses, the son of Laërtes. One more show to watch in my Hercu-la-thon... MST3K: Hercules.

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