Tuesday, January 3, 2017

dinsdag 3 januari 2017

dinsdag 3 januari 2017 48° 47'N 122° 27'W. It's looks peaceful from space, but there's a resistance moving across the nation.
'Trump Resistance Roadshow' launches in Seattle. The Resistance Roadshow will stop in 16 cities on its trek to Washington D.C. The next stop from Seattle is Portland, Ore. on January 3. I wish that I could join them to work out some of my rage. Midnight movie - The Incredible Hulk. Don't say it's so... NOOOOOOO! Obama to deliver farewell address in Chicago on January 10. The lovely and talented Edward Norton is the incredible hulk, but he's also the producer of the HBO special By The People: The Election Of Barack Obama Documentary. I am moved to tears several times.
It's sunny and 28 °F with a wind warning. I dare myself to ride out today. I hear the wind whooshing through the trees. I manage to go 6 miles before I give up. This is our freeze-dried bike path.
I can't complain. Regina, Saskatchewan weather,,, -7 °F with light snow. At last, MST3K: The Terror From The Year 5000.

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