Saturday, June 6, 2020

zaterdag 6 juni 2020

zaterdag 6 juni 2020 I'm so glad that Stephen Colbert is around! Thank you for saying it like it is, with a hint of humor and so much TRUTH! America made it to the end of another week, so TGIF, which of course now stands for ‘This Government Is Fascist.’ Stephen Colbert Puts Savage New Spin On ‘TGIF’ For The Donald Trump Era. Saturday morning movie - MST3K: Being From Another Planet. On the IMDB, it's called Time Walker. The mummy is an alien!
WTSQ plays a series of Babylon-themed songs. Babylon is Reggae for social tension, riots, evil society, white aggression against the African people and fascism. This song is for today. Double the MST3K fun... Let's watch Laserblast! Against Mike's will, Crow and Tom present the subtile nuances of The Thunderdome Joke. They tie Mike up and stick an oily rag in his mouth.
Let's remember Kim Milford who plays the troubled teenager with a powerful weapon from outer space. American actor, singer-songwriter, and composer. Died, 37, from heart failure. RIP.
Many many people are in Washington, D.C. for what may become the capital’s largest protests yet against racism, police violence and the killing of George Floyd. It's on France 24. Report: Black Lives Matter supporters flood Washington, D.C. on 12th day of US protests. People gather near the Eiffel Tower in Paris's Champ de Mars to participate in the worldwide 'Black Lives Matter' protests. From D.C. to London and Paris and Sydney.
It looks like THE PEOPLE are dominating the streets, Trump!

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