Saturday, February 20, 2021

vrijdag 19 februari 2021

vrijdag 19 februari 2021 Still celebrating Perseverance's succesful landing. And the crowd goes wild!
This is a story of a boy on Mars who wants to meet a girl on Earth. Midnight movie - the romantic science fiction film - The Space Between Us. Poor Gardner. He makes the trip from Mars, but he has trouble adapting to Earth's atmospheric pressure and gravity. Thanks to his friend Tulsa, he discovers his humanity (and the wonders of burgers and hot air balloons). Gardner is dying.
A friend reminds me of an old low-budget, horror, psychotronic, sci-fi movie - Wizard of Mars. Masked up and snowed out. Oberlinians finally had a chance to dig out and clean up a little. And I got a chance to bike around and admire the scenery. It's just cold... 26° and sunny.

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