Saturday, July 13, 2024

zaterdag 13 juli 2024

zaterdag 13 juli 2024 Midnight movie: The Empire Strikes Back. The Millennium Falcon and her crew outrun the pursuing Star Destroyers and hide within the Hoth asteroid field. Asteroids do not concern me.
[Luke has seen a vision of Han, Leia and Chewie being tortured in Cloud City] I saw - I saw a city in the clouds.
Oh, NOOOO! Star destoyers! TIE fighters! Imperial walkers! Go ahead and invade Los Angeles, but leave Bellingham and the cats alone. Attention, people of Earth: I am Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Imperial Navy! You will surrender to us. Be aware... I am rapidly approaching your planet in the Star Destroyer Chimaera.
Gooood! Space Patrol Delta will defend us with their amazing powers!

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