Sunday, August 18, 2019

zondag 18 augustus 2019

zondag 18 augustus 2019 Reviewing various episodes of Rick and Morty. Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic Dimension in Rickmancing the Stone. It's Seattle... or what used to be Seattle.
Remember when the Galactic Federation fell into chaos and collapsed? It seems to be a morning for NPR. I turn on my KUOW for a walk around Oberlin. And I'm drooling rainbows now after listening to this. It's steaming up fast! I admire This House on Forest Street. Light sea green. Red tile roof. A porch on the east side. I want!
I always wanted to go up the steps of the Kohl Jazz Studies Building.
I can see the backs of the town's buildings... and 14 black birds circling somewhere north of town. Bird's eye view of Oberlin.
Home. I'm a sticky, sweaty mess. SHOWER! Dinner and a movie - Chipotle pasta primavera (whatever) (I'm improvising) and Deadpool 2. Funny movie. Deadpool visits Xavier, but everyone is hiding from him.

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