Saturday, October 22, 2016

zaterdag 22 oktober 2016

zaterdag 22 oktober 2016 A song has been nagging my mind. "What's that song? Who is that?" Then I remember - Collective Soul: December! 1995. '90s Alternative. Midnight movie - X-men: Days Of Future Past.
A little bit of sleep. Turn on This American Life. Watching lies become the truth in this year's election. And a few people who try to bridge the gap between the way the two sides see the facts. 599: Seriously? I need some fresh air. Time for a nice fall bike ride up the trail.
Other people ride and walking themselves and their dogs. Look at those beautiful colors near Vining Street!
I visit my friends at Sweetbay. They're watch a vid. Oh! Such pretty divers. Diving from the Roof of the Copenhagen Opera House. Missing summer already. As the sun sets slowly in Chicago. The view from Addison and Clark. First pitch 7:08 Central. 5:08 Pacific. I'm wearing my Cubs shirt. Louis Nelson tweets Wrigley Field speakers currently playing In the Air Tonight which certainly feels appropriate.
Lors, à demain.

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