Thursday, November 15, 2012

woensdag 14 november 2012

woensdag 14 november 2012 Up at 1:40. Turn on 1010 WINS. Traffic reports already? They're still pumping out water out of the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. The photo was taken back on Oct. 29th. What a lot of water! What a lot of work. But work progresses.
Chow mein and fried egg for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Jim gets to me every time when he goes Rrrrrrrreince Prrrrriebus! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus - following the results of Election Day - calls for a "full analysis" of what happened during the 2012 election cycle. Hal Sparks joins the gang at 8. My goodness. Hal is revved up about the Fiscal Cliff thingy. Chris asks Hal if he needs a hug. "NO!" No money in my wallet, so I break the piggy bank to get some coffee at Kaladi. Streetcar to work. I hang out with the Sea Otters while Patty takes planning time. Our favorite book today is The Very Busy Spider. I read it 3 times in a row. They keep signing more.
Out to the playground. The kids are busy in the sand box with shovels and pails and Tonka trucks. No milk is spilled at lunchtime. Woah! Some naps are easy... The room is a mess, but I need to go over to Seahorses. Thank you, child care gods. They're all asleep. Quiet time. Kenn wrote something interesting on the Dry-erase board - Walking on water wasn't built in a day. I'm intrigued, so I ask Kenn about it. The story is that Jack Kerouac was high on psychedelics with Timothy Leary when he said this. Yes. It's all in the Ebb & Flow.
Plug NPR News into my ears and meander over to Queen Anne. Listen to President Obama's press conference. Obama slams GOP criticism of UN Ambassador Rice over Benghazi attack as 'outrageous' Short bus ride to Virginia Street. Walk up 4th Avenue to enjoy the sights and sounds. Home. For a difference, I watch Comedy Central. Jon Stewart puts it down. BAM!
Spicy rice and tofu for dinner.

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