Thursday, August 16, 2012

woensdag 15 augustus 2012

woensdag 15 augustus 2012 Up with alarm. Watch France 24. They do an expose on Maribor, Slovenia - The European Capital of Culture. Sweet potato fries and salmon for breakfast. Check Mediaite. Ha! Oh, Mitt. Your such a silly dad. Tagg picks his nose at the table, Craig was purchased from hippies for tortilla chips and a Fresca, and Josh is a… knucklesnort? Turn on Stephanie Miller. There was some big talk on energy Tuesday on the campaign trail. President Obama talked wind power and Mitt Romney said if he is elected, America will be so energy independent by the end of his second term that we’ll no longer have to buy oil from the Middle East and Venezuela. Very exciting. How "unhinged" can you get?
It's already 71° for my walk to work. First thing to happen... A kid throws up on me. Geez! When things get cleaned up, we take the kids out to the playground. Here we go. Fire drill. It makes us jump.
Nice that we're outside already. Some of the kids cry... mostly because we're interrupting their play. When things settle down, I bring out their water bottles and bubbles. They love it when I spray them with the mist. Inside. It's lunchtime. They don't eat very much. They're more interested in the new toys that Patty brought into the classroom - connector ducks, computer keyboards and wooden things. I try to keep the peace while Patty changes diapers. After a few stories, they go down for naps. Over to Seahorses. I love it. They are champion nappers. Kenn tells me about his job (when he was only 16) at the Kings Park Psychiatric Center - a closed 12-story mental center. Wow, Kenn. Attention people. The photo gallery is set to System Of A Down. LOUD! Back to Sea Otters. It would be nice to let the kids sleep longer, but there's too much noise next door. I want to leave now. Streetcar to d'town. #212 bus tunnel to Uwajimaya to pick up some stuff. It's busy with Mariners fans. #33 bus (with AC) back to d'town. Drop off stuff. Down to Freeway Park. Hang out for a little bit. Cool place.
Watch movie - MST3K: Squirm.

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