Tuesday, July 8, 2014

dinsdag 8 juli 2014

dinsdag 8 juli 2014 Midnight movie - MST3K: The Beatniks.
Restless sleep. Bad dreams. Sticky roll for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Charlie Pierce of Esquire’s Politics Blog calls in to talk about Sarah Palin begging for a job on The View. Post from Crooks & Liars - Sarah Palin Thinks She's Exactly The 'Punch Of Reality' And 'Voice Of Reason' The View Needs. This makes sense... and it's funny.
Walk up Westlake to work. For the first 3 hours, I'm in the Infant Room. I'm pretty busy. Everyone is busy. Naps are short. Rather good eaters. I don't like the new clothe diapers. I like disposables. Slap it on and off you go. Change of scenery. Up to Sunshine Kids to watch my old friends sleep. None of them are awake at 1 o'clock. Not a very magical nap time for the Starfish. One of them wakes up crying and wakes up the other 4. It's no use to get them back to sleep. Streetcar to d'town. Turn on KOMO News. Ah, yes! The crowd starts a countdown to “high noon,” though the store officially opened a few minutes later. Hundreds line up as legal marijuana sales start in Washington. A line started forming at 3 p.m. Monday when a 65-year-old retiree named Deb Greene showed up at Cannabis City with a chair, sleeping bag, food, water and a 930-page book. "I voted for it, and I'm just so excited to see it come to be in my lifetime," she said. "I'm not a heavy user, I'm just proud of our state for giving this a try." Check KING 5. Go, Deb!
Uff da. The apartment is at 82° mon dieu. Remember the cold!

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