Thursday, July 17, 2014

donderdag 17 juli 2014

donderdag 17 juli 2014 Up with alarm. Beef and bean burrito for breakfast. Watch RT News. Interesting things going on in the world. Cheney reaction: Interview blackout as protester waves handcuffs at ‘war criminal’... Unconvicted war criminal Dick Cheney. Kia Makarechi - Vanity Fair: Dick Cheney Thinks You Should Listen to His Absurd Take on Iraq. Iraq war advice from Cheney? That's just too much to swallow.
Deep mystery. Giant 80m Siberian crater at 'world’s end' Dick Cheney's wet dream - World War III. Malaysian airliner crashes in E. Ukraine near Russian border, over 280 people on board.
It's 57° and cloudy for my walk to work. I like the cool breeze. I'm with the babies. I got Tanya's boys. They get upset when I tried to give them naps. Rebellion! Kyle gets one of them to sleep... easily. Up to Rainforest for lunch and nap time. I sit with a couple silly boys.  I farted! It's funny for a little while, then it's very annoying. Down to the babies again. It's just me and Evan. We visit the Sea Otters. He seems amazed and amused by their antics. Outside with the Summer Camp. Wow. They pick on each other a lot. Glad to leave. Streetcar to Whole Foods. Bus #8 (the late #8) up to B'way. Walk around the neighborhood. It's 75° with bright sunshine. I'm in the sweet spot weather-wise. Back to my place. Check NBC News. So, it was a missile. 'Blown Out of the Sky': Malaysia Jet Shot Down by Missile. Putin Says Ukraine 'Bears Responsibility' of Jet Crash. Putin stinks of propaganda!

НАМ НУЖЕН МИР! It's A Dream.

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