Wednesday, November 25, 2015

woensdag 25 november 2015

woensdag 25 november 2015 Up at 4:22. Watch KOMO News. The usual report about the crowds at the airport.
Wednesday morning movie - MST3K: Jungle Goddess. I love the prologue. Joel & the Bots are playing hide and seek with the elusive and inexplicable forces which control the universe. Ready or not, here we exist! A brilliant phrase from MST3K that I should incorporate into my daily language. And Crow just wants to play hopscotch. Why are my co-workers grumpy? The kids seem to be fine. How would you like Spaghettios for lunch. Delicious and nutritious. The day flies by. Early naps. The kids go home early. Back at the apartment. Watch Star Trek - Patterns Of Force. It looks like a one-sided conversation during the interrogation.
Please, never get into an alternate universe where Nazi Germany and Japan rule the US after winning World War II! Ladies and gentlemen - The Man In The High Castle.

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