Friday, November 13, 2009

vrijdag 13 november 2009

vrijdag 13 november 2009 Up at 2:00. Turn on BBC News. Report - Tiger Woods Take Charge In Melbourne. Melbourne is a notable sporting location as the host city for the 1956 Summer Olympics games. Doze back to sleep until the alarm goes off. Don't want to get out of bed. Three cheese pasta and fried egg for breakfast. Bath. Google Shoreline Children's Center for my 9 to 4 conference tomorrow. I'll be taking a long bus ride and a little walk to get there. 801 Tower Caffe Ladro for coffee. Check the Seattle Times. Ow! Look at this stud! Seattle U. Has A New Recruit - Charles Garcia.

Also, this is good news - Light Rail To Airport To Begin Dec. 19th. Walk up Westlake to work. 10 to 11 - Wash dishes and fold laundry. 11 to 12 - Teresa's lunch. Dolphins and Sea Otters play in the Bike Room. I take a little time to set up Dolphin lunches. 12 to 1 - Charmaine's lunch. Six Dolphins finish lunch. Kenn does the diapers while I clean up the lunch mess. Alex puts himself to sleep. Ryan conks out fast. Kenn manages to get Evanan to sleep after a minor rebellion. 1 to 2 - Pam's lunch. It's quiet for a while... then Stella wakes up. We just can't get her back to sleep. She has a meltdown and wakes everyone up (except Nolan). They are waking up next door, too, but Kenn and Charmaine get them back to sleep (except Wyatt). Ryan wakes up coughing. He's coughing a lot. Why is he at school with that cough? 3 - Streetcar to d'town. Walk over to Kress Supermarket to get a few things. They have a lot to offer. How convenient! Straight to my place. Down goes the sun.

I like the pink clouds. I play Infernal Affairs - Mou Gaan Dou again.

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