Saturday, May 25, 2013

vrijdag 24 mei 2013

vrijdag 24 mei 2013 Up at 2:37. Watch World News Now with John Muller and Diana Perez. A portion of the Interstate-5 bridge is submerged after it collapsed into the Skagit River dumping vehicles and people into the water in Mount Vernon, Washington. I thought that I heard about this last night. This is a big deal. Take a pill for my achy back. Chicken noodle soup for breakfast. KOMO News has news about the bridge. Wow. 70,000 vehicles per day cross that bridge. This will definitely affect the Memorial Day traffic. Check Go Skagit  News. Report - Hundreds gather on river banks after bridge collapse. Turn on Stephanie Miller. She refers to the President's address Thursday. President Obama sought to reframe the nation’s counterterrorism strategy, saying, “Our systematic effort to dismantle terrorist organizations must continue. But this war, like all wars, must end. That’s what history advises. That’s what our democracy demands.” Obama was basically agreeing with the heckler from Code Pink - Medea Benjamin - as she is dragged out of the speech. Leave the apartment at 8:18. Catch a train at 8:42. Arrive d'town at 9:01. It's strange to see Westlake Center gutted out. "ZARA coming soon" says the sign. Walk up to Denny to catch a #40 bus to Mercer. Hello Dolphins. I'm with you for two hours. Mister Darby plays and sings for us. The kids love love love him. Then we head outside. It's a mix of clouds and sunshine. At least it's dry. The lunches are already set up when I bring the kids inside. They're hungry. Over to Sea Otters. They grab their own lunch boxes and bring them to their table. They still have trouble getting the lids off, but they're doing better. After diapers, they get a little rowdy... Especially the boys. I ask for some help for naps. Thank you for the help. The Seahorses are worked up. It's impossible to get 3 of them to sleep. For a change, I take the non-nappers out to the playground. Oh, well. Back to Sea Otters. They're restless sleepers. Most of them wake up before I leave. Streetcar to d'town. Again, my train to Mt. Baker appears at the very second I get down to the platform. Cool! The train is packed with travellers and High School kids. Drop by Taco Bell for a Cantina Burrito. Yum! They're a little busy, too. Early dinner rush. Turn on Syfy. Godzilla! Why do they start Godzilla with the French National anthem? Oh. Because the atomic bomb test in the French Polynesians. Just a little friendly advice from Zac Efron... Good night.

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