Monday, May 18, 2015

maandag 18 mei 2015

maandag 18 mei 2015 Up at 2:20 AM. Watch MST3K - King Dinosaur. In the Invention Exchange, a monster in tennis shoes and wearing a smock - Jerry - attends. His buggy, weird red eyes are awesome.
Back to sleep for a couple hours. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Who's going to France? Travis! Can I go, too? Je t'en prie.
An ominous sign of the times. I see a syringe on the sidewalk. Drug use is out in the open. But I want to explore. It's our first taste of summer. It's 75° and sunny. Take the steps...
There are 141 steps down Union Street to the waterfront.
A lot of The Landings on Alaskan Way are getting renovated. Still, I would love to live down here. Access to Elliott Bay and Pike Place.
Watch more France 24. If I can't go to France today... Let's go to San Dimas 1988.

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