Wednesday, May 16, 2012

dinsdag 15 mei 2012

dinsdag 15 mei 2012 Up at 2:27. Turn on France 24. Report - François Hollande Sworn In As French President. Vive le président!
Roméo Langlois, I sincerely hope for your safe return to freedom. Courage, Roméo! Switch DW-TV. Borussia Dortmund has done it again. The fans look thrilled to pieces. Fall in a out of sleep. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Uff! Poll: Romney has slight edge over Obama. Egg and toast for breakfast. Bath. Watch SeaQuest DSV - Bad Waters. Oh! They're speaking French. Bienvenue au Triangle des Bermudes. Walk up Westlake to work. My schedule is a little more diverse. I switch back and forth between the Seahorses and Starfish. Both groups take advantage of the nice weather and walk over to the park. The Starfish chill out in the classroom when they come back. I take half the group out to the playground while Elena sets up lunches and mats. 12 - Anne's lunch. Sharon is subbing for Toni. Nice mellow time with the 6 Seahorses. 1 - Sharon's lunch. All of the kids are asleep by 1. 2 - Up to Sunshine Kids for Mina's lunch break. The 5 kids sleep well. Turn on The World when I leave. Fairness? Equality? Healthy society? Good government? Those crazy Canadians! Why Some Canadians Want To Pay Higher Taxes. This is worth hearing, folks. Nice walk to Seattle Center. I want to stay in the cool, cool shade.
Some people yearn for the sunshine... like the family in the background.
#8 bus to Westlake. Walk the rest of the way home. Turn on KOMO News. They interview comedian Lewis Black. Yes! He's at the ACT for A Night With Lewis Black.
James Lipton can deliver the political humor, too. The laugh of Mittens. Sometimes, I hear the nervous laugh. And the Country Club laugh. I love the focus. Mitt's "laughter." It could use some work. It's nice to see Doctor Who again. It's Season 6 with The Impossible Astronaut and Day Of The Moon.
Amy's pregnant. "What if it's got a, a Timehead or something. Whatever a Timehead is."

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