Thursday, May 3, 2012

woensdag 2 mei 2012

woensdag 2 mei 2012 Up at 2:37. Watch Star Trek - The Enemy Within. I like the looks of Alfa 177... and the way Evil Kirk yells "I'm Captain Kirk... I'M CAPTAIN KIRK!!" All the news is about the May Day Mayhem. Twitter and YouTube covers it, too. I like the photo map in the Seattle Times. Watch KOMO News. Beans on toast for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Funny interview with comic actress Rachel Dratch to talk about her new memoir - Girl Walks Into A Bar.
Walk up Westlake to work. I'm with the Sea Otters all day while Pam gets used to the Ducklings. I take 5 of them out to the playground. I build thrones out of waffle blocks. We also get time in the Bike Room. We play a game of fetch. "Goooo Get The Baaaaaaal!" Leisha sets up lunches while I read some books... If You Give A Cat A Cupcake.
Leisha is training the kids to "pack up" after lunch. It works... sort of. Some struggles at nap time, but all are sleeping by 1:20. Nice and quiet. One-by-one, the some of the kids wake up. They just lounge on their mats. Out the door before snack. I say, "Aloha." Walk up Boren to Capitol Hill. Get some coffee at Kaladi. (I'm going to save it for tomorrow.) Drop off stuff at my place. Watch KOMO News. C'mon! Mayor McGinn has kids! Report - McGinn's Home Targeted By Vandals Following May Day Protests.
Short walk around d'town. It's rush hour. I'm sorry to see people rush. Slow down, folks, and don't kill anyone on your way. Back home. Rice and beans for dinner. Watch Space 1999 - The Metamorph. Then Star Trek - The Cloud Miners. Kirk and Spock are caught up in a revolution on a planet where intellectuals and artists live on a utopian city in the sky while the rest of the population toils in mines on the barren surface below. Vive La Révolution!

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