Wednesday, January 16, 2013

woensdag 16 januari 2013

woensdag 16 januari 2013 Up at 3:58. Sheldon Silver, (D), New York Assembly Speaker, talks with Rachel Maddow about New York State's passage of a set of new gun laws and how tragedies like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the ambush in Webster, NY motivated politicians to act swiftly.
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Yay, Sheldon! Yay, New York State! Spaghettios with sliced franks for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. I laugh out loud as Steph and the mooks mock the new NRA Stand And Fight video. But, as usual, it just shows how ignorant and SICK the leadership of the NRA really is. Phooey on them. Visit Starbucks store #15625. Sip my soy hot chocolate while listening KOMO on my radio - President Obama Unveils Executive Action, Legislation Aimed At Gun Violence. I like how the President involves the children who wrote letters to him about their concerns. Switch to KUOW to hear the Reaction To The Gun Control Announcement. Phil Watson of the Second Amendment Foundation gets me riled. He's so mired in the talking points that he can't get out of his own BS. I believe the children are our future, so I head up to work. Spend a lot of time with the Sea Otters while their teachers take planning time.
What a fun day! The kids sit around me while we read books. Some like The Big Red Barn. They like to try and find the littlest things - the baby pig and the baby mice. Art project - STICKERS!!! Out on the playground we find some ice. We have a bubble party with the bubble gun. We use paint brushes to "paint' the playground. The kids beckon to the Moons & Stars on the other side of the fence. "Alex!" "Louis!" It's a shame to head inside on such a glorious-sunny-Winter day. But they follow me with the bubble gun. Settle down for lunch and naps. Over to Seahorses. They're having a nice calm nap time. Magical! Streetcar to d'town. I'm tired, so I head straight home. Of course, I click on The Cycle. Of course it's up to interpretation... Brains over guns... You decide. Does owning a gun change people? (How 'bout bubble guns?) They interview Spencer Gillis about his film GUN. Just before I go to bed... something from the conference this morning...

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