Thursday, June 5, 2014

donderdag 5 juni 2014

donderdag 5 juni 2014 Midnight movie - MST3K: Outlaw Of Gor. Turn on BBC News. Ceremonies mark 70 years since D-Day. Busy day for France. World Leaders Arrive In France For D-Day Celebrations.
Punjab eggplant on rice for breakfast. Walk d'town to mail a bill. Catch a #62 bus up to Mercer. The classroom walls seem to be closing in on us. We take the Sea Otters out to the playground. Fresh air. Bubbles! Ah, yes. That's better. I connect later with the Seahorses when they come outside. Some of them talk about their trips to Hawaii. (Imagination.) Upstairs for lunchtime with the Moons & Stars. They're quite chatty and loud... sometimes silly. After they pack up, they read books on their mats. Lights out. Good night cow jumping over the moon. Downstairs. Naps for the Seahorses are dicey. But, eventually, 100% of them fall asleep. Realize this. I spend most of my work day with nappers. At last, Sea Otters. It's quiet. They sleep, but they seem to pop up all at once. When I leave work, KOMO Radio is playing in my earbuds. Something is going on! I get d'town, and sirens are blaring. Cars whizzing away. On the radio, I hear, "Something is developing at 3rd and Ewing!" I hear Third and Union. I think OH MY GOD! When I get home, I watch the traumatic news on KOMO. Shootings at Seattle Pacific University.
#Notonemore... I knew it would be on twitter. Thank you.
What's next? There're too many guns in Seattle. And Congress will not... EVER! take action. We just keep on suffering.

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