Tuesday, October 21, 2014

dinsdag 21 oktober 2014

dinsdag 21 oktober 2014 Midnight movie - Mitchell. There's a hidden escape pod (in a crate marked "Hamdingers"). Joel escapes!
Watch France 24. Pistorius sentenced to five years over Steenkamp killing. Manage to fall asleep during the news. Noise upstairs wakes me up again. Bologna and sauerkraut sandwich for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Bob Cesca of The Daily Banter comes on the show, talking about how Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is hampering Ebola efforts. Will the hysteria abate?
It's 54° and a breezy for my walk to work. I visit 3 rooms today. One hour of planning time for a Sea Otter teacher. Well... We're outside then inside. (I don't count the playground as a room.) I change a couple of poopy diapers while most of them play with a paint project. Over to Ducklings for a couple hours. Only 4 kids here. Easy-going time. Fun with free play. I feed Elliot some lunch. He seems to love sweet potatoes. He spits out the peas.
Up to Trailblazers. These pre-schoolers seem very restless. A lot of these guys conk right out for nap time... but not today. I don't know what's going on. No nap. Yes nap. Four non-nappers. "Can I read books now?" Can I go now? Yes, I can! Streetcar to d'town.
I feel the rain coming, so I head straight up to Taco Del Mar to get a Mondo Burrito. Hunker down. Watch KOMO News. Check the weather blog: 70 degrees in October? No problem this year... But the photo looks a little cooked. We'll see how it works.
Continue to Walking Dead. Alone and savaging... Carl! Hang in!

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