Friday, March 27, 2015

vrijdag 27 maart 2015

vrijdag 27 maart 2015 Midnight movie - Clash Of The Titans.
Interesting mix of characters. Prokopion - portrayed by Luke Treadaway - is the leader of the cult of Hades in Argos, and leads the cities' citizens to sacrificing Andromeda to the Kraken.

Brothers and sisters, come to me! Come! I have the way out of our misery! Hades has asked for the princess! Sacrifice one, for the life of the city! Why do they remain silent, while we suffer?

Eusebios: Every step we take is an insult to the gods. Perseus: Good! Afterwards... Watch RT. Conk out after the top stories. Up at 6:02. Fried egg and vegetable fried rice for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. What an involved chat!  Stephanie Miller & Tina Dupuy 3/27/2015.  A segment with Aaron Schock... I leave here with sadness and humility. Switch to WABC News. Top story - FIREFIGHTERS STILL AT EAST VILLAGE EXPLOSION THAT INJURED 22. It's partly cloudy and 59° for my walk down to Uwajimaya. Get some veggies.
Traffic is all tied up downtown by the Emerald City Comicon. Watch live coverage - Soyuz Lifts Off From Baikonur With New ISS Crew.
Open Our Minds - Open Our Universe
Want to rub elbows with the Comicon people. Happy energy here! Karaoke on the second level. A young Hispanic Spider-Man. Down to Pike Place Market. A busker is playing a Backstreet Boys song - I Want It That Way. Back home. Curried spaghetti and edamame for dinner. Behold - Top 10 Coolest Planets In Sci-Fi Movies. When I was a kid, Altair-4 was jaw-dropping awesome to me. I'm glad that it's in the list. Bath. Watch movie - Forbidden Planet.
In times long past, this planet was the home of a mighty, noble race of beings who called themselves the Krell. Ethically and technologically they were a million years ahead of humankind, for in unlocking the meaning of nature they had conquered even their baser selves, and when in the course of eons they had abolished sickness and insanity, crime and all injustice, they turned, still in high benevolence, upwards towards space. Then, having reached the heights, this all-but-divine race disappeared in a single night, and nothing was preserved above ground.

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