Friday, August 19, 2011

vrijdag 19 augustus 2011

vrijdag 19 augustus 2011 Up at 3:20. Turn on France 24. So much news! The markets in Asia and Europe are down by a lot. Report - European Shares Plunge Amid Global Recession Fears. They review the papers.

Spaghetti, beet salad and h-b egg for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. They're keeping track of Rick Perry. Among protesters in New Hampshire yesterday, a child asked Rick Perry if he believed in evolution. Perry answered that it was a theory and that Texas teaches both evolution and creationism and lets kids decide which is right. The curriculum in Texas teaches evolution. So, Rick Perry doesn't know what he's talking about.

Watch Stargate SG-1: Abyss. Ascended friend - Daniel Jackson - appears in this episode to help Jack out who's in big trouble.
Take 7th Ave. on my way to work... listening to KUOW - Weekday: Washington Distilleries. Hey! You want them, we've got them.

I'm fascinated with the discussion about how to make vodka and gin. At work / 10 - I'm signed up for the Wildflowers. It' a danse party. I'm glad that there are only 6 kids. There's enough room to party down with the Diggity Diggity Dog song. Slap on the sunscreen; it's sunny outside. We head out to the playground. 11 - Cristin's lunch. I'm with the 6 Starfish. We forget the time. When we head inside for lunch... Whew! They're already set up. I play the German CD for the last time. (It's overdue for the library.) It's perfect. 12 - Anne's lunch. Lunch with 5 Seahorses. 2 leave early. 3 kids for nap time. 1 - Charity's lunch. She's subbing for Toni. The kids sleep, and I'm bored. 2 - Olivia's lunch. Now, I'm not bored. The Starfish wake up one-by-one. Clean up the nap mats. Change a couple diapers. Sit down for snack. Cheese sandwiches. The kids deconstruct the bread from the cheese. Walk up Capitol Hill to B'way. Down to #404. I pet the cats, and we watch Despicable, Me. Wow! Is this Blue-Ray? Pretty clever movie. FREEZE RAY!
Back at my place, I watch a little of KOMO News. Just a mixed salad for dinner. Watch Stargate SG-1: Shadow Play. SG-1 arrive on Jonas Quinn's home planet - Kelowna. They meet with Hale, Dreylock, and their leader, First Minister Velis. They offer medicine and other non-military technologies, but the Kelownans won't settle for anything other than military tech.

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