Wednesday, November 30, 2011

woensdag 30 november 2011

woensdag 30 november 2011 Up with alarm. Yay! It's Hump Days With Hal on the Stephanie Miller Show. Good morning, Hal.
The gang seem to focus more on the new Newt. For me, it's his smug self-regard which bothers me. Yes. He's dishonest, disloyal self-deluded, etc. Bean burrito with egg salad for breakfast. Shower. I'm wearing shorts for the last day of November. Short walk around First Hill. Back to my place. Turn on BBC News. Report - Many Thousands Around UK At Stike Rallies. A reporter says that in front of him is "a river of noisy indignation flowing through the heart of London. Men, women, young and old who are ... headed for the House of Parliament to make their protest known." Sounds very dramatic.
I want to know more, but they go to the sports report. Switch to KUOW for I'm feeling feisty today. I hear about the protests in the UK on BBC News. Strike! Strike! Strike! They came out in thousands to march to Parliament. Switch to KUOW for Weekday - Police Response To Occupy Movement. I listen to an attorney for Occupy Seattle. I didn't know that Occupy Seattle has a legal team. He articulates well the meaning of the movement. Steve Scher asked really pointed questions to these people. So, to honor The Winter Of Our Discontent (The Occupy Movement), I am wearing shorts today.
Walk up Westlake to work. A few short breaks. Outside with the Starfish and Seahorses. The day flies by. Circle, diapers and naps. The Seahorses really WANT to sleep, while the Starfish fight their naps. Walk home. Turn on The World. They give attention to Myanmar - the people, the politics and Hillary's visit. Stay in my nice warm apartment and watch KIRO News. Students from Garfield High march to Seattle City Hall. The mayor comes out to meet and talk with them.
Blog post - Garfield Students: "Fund Our Future" Amazing kids.

Watch movie - MST3K: Santa Claus. This film is straight up bonkers.

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