Wednesday, February 8, 2012

woensdag 8 februari 2012

woensdag 8 februari 2012 Up at 4ish AM. Turn on Morning Joe. They mostly talk about Santorum's primary victories in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado. "Is Mitt Romney, now, damaged goods?" Rick Santorum joins the show to discusses why he believes the Obama administration routinely tramples on the First Amendment.

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Rice-a-Roni and fried egg for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. They talk about Frothy Santorum, too. Their focus is more on the federal appeals court ruling against California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, arguing the ban unconstitutionally singles out gays and lesbians for discrimination. Short walk up to the Horton Hill Corridor. I get a little lost with the many dead ends.
Admire the fancy houses on Cascadia Avenue. Back at the apt., I turn on Current TV to watch Countdown With Keith Olbermann. Relax and surf the channels. Clean up the kitty litter. Take out the trash. Shower. Walk in a little drizzle to Rainier Valley Plaza. I'm tempted to get something from the Magic Dragon. This is so convenient, but I walk back empty-handed. Turn on Netflix for Space Precinct: The Snake. When an executive of Brett Interplanetary is murdered, Precinct 88 turn their attentions to the notorious extortionist-assassin known as the Snake.

Next, a movie... on AMC - Superman Returns. Pete takes a big snooze during the movie. Sneak a dose of medicine into him. He takes it.
Chicken chili on ramen for dinner. Turn on Comedy Central. Futurama - Cold Warriors. Fry's sneezing reintroduces the common cold to the world of the future, with devastating consequences. "What the hell's a common cold?"

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