Thursday, October 4, 2012

woensdag 3 oktober 2012

woensdag 3 oktober 2012 Fell asleep last night while watching The Fifth Element on AMC. It repeats. Awake at 2:00 to the same movie. Watch MSNBC. They play something from last night's Conan. Mitt! You make me laugh. "We could start with lunar mining, mining minerals from the moon." I think that Caui the cat is less interested in lunar mining and more about the dirty floor. Clean it, Mike!
Beet salad for breakfast. Stephanie Miller gets a caller who says that Steph is vicious and angry... who has no right to wear a peace sign! Anyway... We're excited about the debate. Raising the great expectations of "zingers." Oy! I hear the cats fighting while I'm showering. I hope that they work it out. Walk down 35th instead of Rainier to the Station. Train takes 18 minutes to get to Westlake. Walk up to work. Fun day with the 6 Sea Otters. we spent almost 2 hours on the playground this morning. Perhaps the longest time ever. But it's a gorgeous Fall day to take advantage. At various times we rub elbows with the Dolphins and the Seahorses and even a couple Ducklings. We seem to be extra curious about the noises of our neighborhood - sirens, big trucks and sea planes. A few of the kids made a game of filling buckets with sand and dumping them out. (Sometimes on themselves. "Uh, oh.") When we come inside, we read The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry And The Big Hungry Bear at the table. Mellow lunchtime. No arguments for naps, but one of them wakes up when I turn on a reading lamp. Doh! Patty stays behind with the rest of the nappers while I take him outside. Turn on NPR for my streetcar ride to d'town. Visit my apartment for a little while. Back to work for a short meeting. Three classrooms are on stage. The teachers talk about their environments and curriculums. Yay for us. Tanya gives me a ride down to Rainier Valley. After I set out the garbage, I turn on MSNBC.
The debates after the debate get spicy. Chris Hayes and Mayor Rudy Giuliani get into a significant sparring match. I'm inspired to make something spicy.  Spicy Schezwan noodles and shrimp for dinner. Switch to Comedy Central and regress (de-evolve) into South Park - The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs.

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