Tuesday, November 5, 2013

dinsdag 5 november 2013

dinsdag 5 november 2013 Midnight movie - MST3K: Gamera.
A nightmare from The Walking Dead wakes me up with a start. Watch DW-TV. Hoping to calm down. Switch to WLS Chicago News. Guns. Guns. Guns. Report - NJ mall shooting suspect Richard Shoop dies of self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Coffee jitters already. Egg salad on toast for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Steph talks about an investigative piece from Talking Points Memo - Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers.
Streetcar to work... But I still have to walk a few blocks to the Westlake hub. It's not worth it. I need a seat, and I manage to get one. But a lot of people have to stand. Dolphin teachers get planning time. We take our time heading outside. It's chilly, so the kids' hands get cold quickly. Lunches are set up. Some of them want to play Row, Row, Row Your Boat. As usual, I need to read Good Night, Gorilla before naps. What is the appeal of this book with the tods? Naps are a bit of a struggle, though. Some seem to be making adjustments to the time change. Still, a few of them conk out right away. Sea Otters are sleeping, too. A couple of them are having nightmares, I think. So, a lot of them wake up. Joyce hauls out "The Sandbox" which they seem to love. Streetcar to d'town. Je suis très fatigué. Et toi?
Make pasta salad for dinner. Watch news for election results. Will Seattle-area voters put their left foot forwards? I don't know how I'm going to stay awake. Hmmmm. What about NYC? Report - Democrat Bill de Blasio Projected to Win NYC Mayor’s Race.
It won't be for a while... maybe days when we know Seattle mayor results.

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