Friday, November 15, 2013

vrijdag 15 november 2013

vrijdag 15 november 2013 Midnight - Fall asleep to BBC News. The noise of a lawn mower wakes me up at 9. Aunt Jemima pancakes and sausage... simply cook and serve. Artificial microwavable pancakes with (how ironic) real maple syrup for breakfast. Thank goodness for BBC America. Watch Torchwood - Out Of Time. Ah, ha! I have the TV to myself most of the morning. Switch from Fox News to CNN. I am touched - Anderson defends CNN's typhoon coverage... responding to criticism of his typhoon coverage, and talks about the strength he has seen after the storm. I can't imagine.
Take a walk around Historic Wellington, Ohio. Walking past the fire station ans see two wrecked cars in their parking lot- a gruesome accident. I didn't know that Wellington had a bookstore - Kelly Street Books. Back home. I hang out with dad watching The Weather Channel. It's so warm in the Florida Room that I'm sweating and pitting out just watching TV. I wonder how warm it is in this room... 90? TWC has an interesting show - Prospectors: Gem Discoveries Worth THOUSANDS. Oh, I'm rich. RICH!
Move out of the sauna into the cooler living room. Watch Ellen. She interviews Chris Pratt About His Stripper Past as well as his new movie - Delivery Man.
My brother-in-law invites me to go to Fort's Tavern. I say YES! A Margarita and a Walleye fish dinner. Dan and I chat... over the roar of the Friday night crowd. It's crowded, busy and noisy.
Settle down in the living room to digest all that good food. Watch Ovation for the end of The Lost Battalion and then Contact.

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