Tuesday, February 2, 2010

dinsdag 2 februari 2010

dinsdag 2 februari 2010 Up at 3:30. Turn on BBC News. Report - France Concorde Crash Trial Begins Outside Paris. The video is amazing. It looks like Fireball XL-5.

Gavin Hewitt also talks about how the Greek economy is doing. Report - Euro's Greek Squeeze. Hang in there, Greece. Beet salad and some burrito for breakfast. Nice hot shower. Up to Kaladi for some of Jeremiah's wonderfully tasty coffee. Hang out in the shop with my little Samsung. Back to my place. Play with Google Earth to explore Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. It's cold over there... ON WALDEN POND.

Streetcar to work. 10 to 1 - Planning time for Patty. Kenn covers for Charmaine. They need to re-do all of the Naeyc. WTF! Kenn is wondering if we're enabling a dysfunctional situation. All of their great work - down the toilet. I feel so bad for the teachers. Only 5 Sea Otters today. After I do the diapers, we take the kids to the deck. It's nice out. (I'm wearing my shorts today... with my David Bowie t-shirt.) Caitlin points at the David Bowies and says "baby, baby."

Later, we trot over to the Bike Room. We converge with the Dolphins and Tanya's group. Caitlin, Evanan and I do a little bird watching. Some bird is circling in the sky looking for prey. We watch for a long time. Back to the classroom for lunch and naps. Patty was nice enough to fix their lunches. Naps are easy, and they sleep over 2 hours. 1 - Kenn's lunch. 2 - Patty's lunch. Walk up Westlake and up to Pike Market. It's beautiful weather. KUOW says it's 54° Up Pike to my place. I turn on Signal FM Haiti - 90,5 to listen to the situation in Haiti. I hear anger in some of their voices. People are calling into the show to share their stories. They're asking themselves - Notre communauté Haïtienne sera-t-elle plus unie et plus solidaire après le passage de ce séisme dévastateur? Will the Haitian community be more united and solid after this devestating earthquake? Curry chicken soup for dinner. Watch MSNBC. Play movie - When Worlds Collide (again). A South African astronomer discovers that a pair of celestial objects will soon enter the solar system... a star named Bellus and is on a collision course with Earth.

The United Nations is warned that the end of the world is little more than eight months away. Pleas are made for the construction of spaceships to transport a lucky few to Zyra, a planet in orbit around Bellus that will pass very close to the Earth, in the faint hope that it can sustain life and save the human race from extinction. Panic! STAR GAZERS PREDICT DOOMSDAY!

As the day of doom approaches, the ship is loaded with food, medicine, microfiche copies of books, equipment, and animals.

The pilots of the spaceship witness the destruction of Earth on the view screen.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike !
    Did you get my notice that I changed my e-mail account and address ?
    I will drop you another line just in case.
