Friday, June 24, 2011

vrijdag 24 juni 2011

vrijdag 24 juni 2011 Up with alarm. Turn on Stephanie Miller. I guess that there is a little media bruhaha - Rick Perry Gay/ Rush Limbaugh/ Stephanie Miller/ Politico War Of Words. I guess that Steph is packed and ready to go to Chicago. I'll try to check in on you during the parade on WCPT. The car picks her up 15 minutes after the show. Don't forget to drop by the Billy Goat Tavern for a little fun.
Egg salad on toast for breakfast. I love my HuffPo app for my iPad. I flip through photos of Sarah Palin. Report - 36 Reasons Why Sarah Palin Quit Her Bus Tour. Very funny. Not so funny... a KUOW reporter - Phyllis Fletcher - makes a disturbing discovery in our fair city. Report - Two Charged With Plot To Bomb Seattle Military Building. KUOW moves on to a more disturbing subject - Wicked Bugs With Amy Stewart. Amy shares lots of amazing and horrible stories about insects. The Giant Asian Hornet? ...whose sting feels like a hot nail.
Streetcar to work. I'm with the Moons & Stars most of the day. This group needs a lot of help. Most of them demand, test and defy their teachers. I actually like Raul's circle time with all the kinetic activity for kinetic kids. I set up lunches. Whew... They go outside to play (or wreak havoc) on the deck. They all fall asleep at nap time. Down to Sea Otters to help with early risers and diapers. Turn on my radio for The World. All of the reports and stories seem interesting to me. It's hard to chose a favorite, but I like The Lost Art In London's Underground... since I've been an Anglophile lately.

Watch KOMO News. It looks a little stormy this evening. The redevelopment project for the King Street Station is making progress. Mayor McGinn Opens Jackson Plaza to the public. Watch The Outer Limits - Controlled Experiment.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner. Watch some Hardball and Rachel Maddow. Rachel talks to Mayor Jason West of New Paltz, New York, about his courage in pushing for the rights of gay couples to marry.

It's late in the evening, but I see the news... NY Legalizes Gay Marriage. Midnight movie - Android. The Cyberpunk Review of Android.

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