Thursday, February 28, 2013

woensdag 27 februari 2013

woensdag 27 februari 2013 Up with alarm. Big fat frittata for breakfast. Watch Star Trek Voyager - One. Federation ship Voyager heads into a dangerous mutara nebula. Catching up with Rachel Maddow. I get news of Chicagoland. Thanks. Robin Kelly - the gun-control candidate - wins milestone election.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Walk up Westlake to work. Four hours with the Sea Otters. Give Patty some planning time. Ina covers for Charmaine. The kids have early playground time. Best activity - smashing sand castles (that I make). They help me fill the buckets and even pack down the sand with their shovels. The kids seem a little scattered when we come inside. We draw pictures with crayons. Read some books. I set up lunches. Leisurely-going lunchtime and nap time. Quiet time for Seahorses. Oops. It raining a little. Ride the streetcar to d'town. Take my wet shoes and socks off. Settle down with KOMO News. Cool. Golden Tate is on the show. Mary Nam interviews him about life post-season. And he's very Golden. He helps solve the KOMO Question: 9 out of 10 believe that it's ok to steal this from a friend. Answer: Wi-Fi. Now, I catch up with Stephanie Miller. Gavin Newsome - Lieutenant Governor of California - is in the studio to talk about Prop 8. Curry chicken and cabbage for dinner. Watch Martha Stewart - Biking.

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