Thursday, November 7, 2019

donderdag 7 november 2019

donderdag 7 november 2019 Turn on WEWS for weather and headlines. Ellen DeGeneres challenges a 17-year-old to use a map, a phone book and a rotary phone. I was yelling at my iPad while watching this! Shia LaBeouf was the perfect person to put in the hot seat to answer Burning Questions. He ate a ghost pepper before this segment. What a sport, Shia! This is real life! Standing ovation! 😊 I have to admit that I was a little thrilled to see snow. Soon, I have a feeling that this won't seem like a special event. Ohioans are telling me that it's too early for snow. Fun little movie with my dinner - The Doomsday Machine. US authorities discover that the Chinese have the means to disrupt the Earth's tectonic stability. Well... The Earth blows up. A group of astronauts heading to Venus discover that they are the last beings alive. Oh, dear.

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