Saturday, November 16, 2019

zaterdag 16 november 2019

zaterdag 16 november 2019 Do you know what time it is? Let's watch KING 5 Evening News - Applause for Yovanovitch. Mr. Yelly McYellerson is Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX-11). You can call me Mr. Sugar Lumps. Bring in the giant carnivorous lizard! Midnight movie - MST3K: The Giant Gila Monster.
Travels with Charley, regarding existence. Three times a week from some bar, supermarket, or tire-and-tool cluttered service station, I put my calls through New York and reestablished my identity in time and space. For three or four minutes I had a name, and the duties and joys and frustrations a man carries with him like a comet's tail. It was like dodging back and forth from one dimension to another, a silent explosion of breaking through a sound barrier, a curious experience, like a quick dip into a known but alien water. -John Steinbeck
I caught Eve Jackson's interview with Blink 182 on France 24 - Blink 182: California band return with new record 'Nine'. It's nice to know that these guys are still working their Music Magic on us.

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