Sunday, May 8, 2011

zondag 8 mei 2011


Up at 3:02. Turn on DW-TV. Listen to reports of disruptions in Cairo. Check out the pix from the 25th Annual Windermere Cup Regatta. Yay! UW wins! Turn on KEXP to listen to Malalai Joya Speaking In Seattle presenting the case for withdrawing from Afghanistan. Having come face-to-face with the brutality of war, Joya has been demanding an end to the occupation for years.
Joya Malalai explains the situation of ordinary Afghans: “We are caught between two enemies—the Taliban on one side and the U.S./NATO forces and their warlord allies on the other." Spicy rice and une omelette aux crevettes for breakfast. Sunday morning movie - Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie.
I love their rif on This Island Earth. One of my favorites!

Shower. Ride the streetcar to Denny. Walk around Seattle Center. Wait for the #30. A guy with an iPhone is waiting for the bus, too. I ask him, "When's the bus coming?" He checks his iPhone for the bus tracker, and he tells me, "It'll be 6 minutes." Ride up to Ravenna and walk over to the Apple Store in U Village. I experience the new iMac.
Is this store always so busy? I find a new 21.5in iMac, which have either a 2.5GHz or a 2.7GHz quad-core Sandy Bridge processor, 4GB RAM and either a 500GB or 1TB hard drive. It seems like a fast compputer. I leave the store and I say WHOA!
Walk up Ravenna to the Ave. Love the fresh air. A #30 over to Fremont. Turn on the radio to listen to the M's vs. the White Sox. I cross the bridge. It takes 40 minutes to get to the streetcar station at South Lake Union. Oh! The kids are playing with the boats.

Streetcar to d'town. Walk up to my place. Geez. The M's lose in the 10th inning. Turn on KOMO News. This Mother's Day, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell was joined by her own mother at the Kawabe Memorial House in Seattle. She spoke about the House budget, which would bring big changes to Medicare and Medicaid. The so-called Ryan budget would make deep cuts to Medicare, transitioning it into a voucher system.

Mike's Own Egg Salad and corn chips for dinner. Watch movie - Kick-Ass. Aaron Johnson and Chloƫ Moretz in Kick-Ass. Whew! Violent!

Review: It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A Blood Bath! On the wanna-be-a-superhero theme... Watch Futurama - Less Than Hero.

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