Wednesday, April 13, 2011

woensdag 13 april 2011

woensdag 13 april 2011 Up at 1:34. Turn on France 24. I fall back to sleep during the news. Awake again to watch The Interview. Fried egg with burrito for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Hal and Steph are making arrangements for another Sexy Liberal Show.

Shower. Catch up with Rachel Maddow. The theme - Civil War Politics Are Here Again.

Rachel looks at the very long list of states that are talking about creating their own currency, nullifying federal laws, and even seceding from the union.

Her guest, Melissa Harris-Perry, talks about how the wealthiest 40% of our country has already seceded with their gated communities, privacy schools, etc. "We can't be divided like this." It's a little wet outside. Walk up Westlake to work. Busy day. The Moons & Stars are practicing their architectural skills. I see that they have a book on the subject.

Down to Starfish to give Toni a break. The kids are involved with watercolors.

Tanja and Sarah get breaks. Now I'm with the Rainforest Kids. Some of them are playing in the salt table.

11 to 11:45 - Erin gets a lunch. Raul and I hang out with the 9 Rainforest Kids on the playground. It drizzles on us, but just before we head inside, it pours. 11:45 to 12:30 - Pam's lunch. I join the 6 Sea Otters for lunch. They go down for naps. I take a short break. A short break for Sabrina then Jenni. 1:15 to 2 - Toni's break. Five Starfish are sleeping... and one will not. 2 to 2:45 - Kenn's break. Quiet time for the 8 Seahorses. 2:45 - A 15-minute break for Pam. The Sea Otters start snack. Turn on The World when I leave. Walk up Fairview to my place. Drop off stuff. Up to QFC to pick up a few things. Back home, I finish Princess Of Mars. "Day by day, night by night; we keep the air clean and bright!" John Carter to the rescue!

Tom Kha Phak soup with some streamed mussels for dinner. Play Glee - Ballads.

Watch Hardball and Rachel Maddow. I love Rachel's reference to Three's Company. Report - Obama Speech, A Victory For Math.

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