Sunday, April 10, 2011

zondag 10 april 2011

zondag 10 april 2011 Weird dreams because of all that sci-fi. Up at 2:57. Turn on France 24. Same old news about Gbagbo and the fighting in Abidjan. I fall back to sleep, but I wake up to some interesting from France 24 - The Three Big Pigs - on the Tech Report. 1,223,747 hits so far.

Rest in bed listening to more news, weather and culture. Turn on KEXP Community Forum to listen a speech at Town Hall only 3 days ago - John Perkins: 2012 Prophecy: Radical Global Change. Then it's Richard Wolff on Making Contact. I haven't heard from him in a while. I like him. Program - Broken, Not Broke: The Economy According To Richard Wolff. Greek omelet and Greek potatoes for breakfast. A small load of laundry while I listen to A Prairie Home Companion. While listening to the show, I walk down to Uwijimaya to pick up some tea, tofu and veggies for stir fry. #550 bus tunnel back to my place. Chat with Michael. I can hear Phoenix purring in the phone. Back to the Seattle Transit Tunnel to catch a train to Columbia City. Now, I'm listening to the Indians Vs. Mariners game. As I'm walking down Rainier Avenue, I hear the Indians getting hit after hit.

I actually call my mom in Ohio about how the Indians are creaming the Mariners. "The Mariners have lost 6 in a row, mom!"

AT 52° in safeco Field iNDIANS 5 - m'S 0

The taverns in Columbia City are not showing the game on TV. I'm surprised. Train back to d'town.

Listen to the rest of the game at my place. Final score - Indians 6 - Mariners 4. Back to my Sci-Fi Marathon. Continue with Torchwood - Children Of Earth: Day 4 and Day 5. Find out that the 456 use the children as their bodies produce a chemical that acts as a recreational drug to them. They threated to wipe out the human species if they don't get 10% of the world's children. The 456 must be stopped! Jack and team realize that an audio signal could be used against the 456. However, it requires that one child act as the focal point for the transmission, likely killing him or her. Jack is left with no choice but to use his daughter Alice's son, Steven, who is the only child immediately available to them. It's sad that Jack has to resort to such a desperate choice. But his own grandson dies to save the world. Whew! I am wrung out. Two more episodes of Stargate Atlantis - Ghost In The Machine and The Shrine. Strong performance by David Hewlitt who plays Rodney McKay.

Rodney McKay is stricken with a mental affliction that robs him of his knowledge and memories, causing him to revert to a childlike state.

Cook some black bean soup and watch Futurama. I love their spoof of Starship Troopers with their War Is The H-Word. There's also some spoofing of MASH and Patton. Good night.

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