Wednesday, January 6, 2010

woensdag 6 januari 2010

woensdag 6 januari 2010 Up at 4:38. Turn on BBC News. Report - Women Shackled During Childbirth. The whole world is hearing how crazy the USA is. Miki noodle carbonbara for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. They go into the "God Hates Fags" parody against Lady Gaga. Westboro Baptist Continues God Hates Lady Gaga Campaign. Chris Lavoie is right. Ugh. Woo hoo! Hump days with @HalSparks enhanced by live sexycam. Good morning world! I love it when Hal raises his arms up.
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Streetcar to work. I'm Charmaine from 10 to 12 - Planning time and lunch break. We play with balls, boxes, bubbles and blue salt. It's seemed to be a "B" day. We drag out the sensory table with the blue salt and try to change the color of it to green with yellow paint. We manage to change it to a lovely shade of turquoise.

The 6 Sea Otters head down to the Bike Room. Patty tries to teach the kids to do Ring Around The Rosie. (I wish I had my camera!) (And it isn't this version of Ring Around The Rosies by Flip Grater.)

Evanan and I hang out at the window to birdwatch. No birds. Evanan notices the offices across the alley. "Mommy. Daddy." "Yes, your mommy and daddy are at their offices working." "Work," he tells me. "Are you working?" "Work." He is really clear for a 1-year-old. He's really smart. Back to the classroom for lunch. I get to eat my lunch with the group. 12 - Teresa's lunch. Kenn and I deal with 5 Dolphins and their diapers and naps. However, Piper is Little-Miss-No-Nap. 1 - Patty's lunch. Nap time for the Sea Otters. Alex rolls himself into a cubby and bangs his head. He wakes up crying. I need to head off to Seahorses, but Alex doesn't calm down. 2 - Olivia's lunch. Eight Seahorses... but one is awake... Théo. I take him to the Bike Room with the other early risers. Théo plays around a little, but he comes back to me and gives me a big hug. "Ca fait longtemps que je ne t'ai pas vu!" He just came back from a trip in France for the holidays. It's nice to see him again. We go back to the classroom when the others wake up. 3 - Walk up Westlake to my place... listening to The World on my radio. Report - Slovakian Security Surprise surprises me. Security officials at a Slovakian airport planted explosives in a passenger’s luggage without his knowledge as part of a security exercise. Drop off my stuff. Walk down to Office Depot to get an ink cartridge. C'mon sun! Don't go down so soon! Turn on Ron Reagan. He talks about how H&M would rather slash & trash unsold clothing than donate it. Such a callous act... when so many people are so deprived! People need coats and gloves - especially in this frigid winter - and they're to a landfill. I'm fuming! Let Them Eat Landfill! Noodles and stir fired beef for dinner. Watch MSNBC News. Conk out while watching The Outer Limits - Moonstone.

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