Saturday, January 23, 2010

zaterdag 23 januari 2010

zaterdag 23 januari 2010 Up at 1:48. I went to sleep early, so I woke up early. Play movie - Young Frankenstein. One of my favorites.


Train trips to Transylvania can be interesting... especially the conversations. "Let him, let him!" Let him do what? Guess.

When you get to Transylvania, you may enjoy a roll in the hay with Inga.

Frau Blüche wants to help Doktor Frenkenstoon... Fronkensteen settle in... with Ovaltine? He responds bluntly: NOTHING! Thank you! I'm a little - tired! Frau Blücher: Then I vill say... goodnight.

Oh, that's cute. Eye-gor enjoys nuzzling next to Herr Doktor.


This is a nice boy. This is a good boy. This is a mother's angel. And I want the world to know once and for all, and without any shame, that we love him. I'm going to teach you. I'm going to show you how to walk, how to speak, how to move, how to think. Together, you and I are going to make the greatest single contribution to science since the creation of fire. Inga: [from outside] Dr. Fronkensteen! Are you all right! Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: MY NAME IS FRANKENSTEIN!

Still not ready to go back to sleep. I will not sleep. Play Star Trek - 2009. Nero - A particularly troubled Romulan. "I've been waiting for this day my whole life... This day of reckoning," He wants vengeance for the destruction of his world. He destroys the planet Vulcan.

I get this interesting capture... of Acting Captain George Kirk saying "I love you" to his wife just as the ships collide.

[Kirk drives his stepfather's Corvette toward a cliff. As he skids sideways, he jumps out before the Corvette falls off while he hangs on the edge of the cliff. The Iowa cop chasing him steps off his bike as Kirk climbs off the cliff] Young Kirk: Is there a problem, officer? Iowa Cop: Citizen, what is your name? Young Kirk: My name is James Tiberius Kirk!

Sarek: [to young Spock] You will always be a child of two worlds, and fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is: which path will you choose?

Vulcan Council President: Why did you come before this council today? Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel? Spock: The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude. Thank you, Ministers, for your consideration. Live long and prosper.

Slusho - You can't drink just six! Star Trek is vamous for its bar scenes... and bar fights.

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: I may throw up on you. James T. Kirk: I think these things are pretty safe.

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: Don't pander to me, kid. One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And wait till you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you're so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence. James T. Kirk: Well, I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: Yeah. Well, I got nowhere else to go, the ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I got left is my bones.

I love this movie at so many levels - including characters Sulu and the Russian whizkid, what's his name? Chanko? Cherpov? Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich. Spaghetti and a couple fried eggs for breakfast. Turn on BBC News. They interview Kader Abdolah - the author of The House Of The Mosque. Keep laying in bed listening... more interviews, sports, politics, etc. Try to take a shower, but there's no hot water. Turn on Wait, Wait. They play Not My Job with Mark Halperin - author of Game Change. "You're the one and only — and we do mean only — Prince of Seborga." Walk up to Whole Foods to get a few things. Drop off stuff. I need to stretch my legs some more. I have been stuck in my apartment for too long. I walk up and down First Hill, Capitol Hill and around d'town. I have my radio with me. Turn on Hawaii Radio Connection on KBCS. They take me from Waimanalo Beach to Waikiki. I cruise all the beaches with Google Earth. Beautiful hotels and reosrts - The Kahala and The Kaimana. I want to go! Next is Rick Steves on KUOW.

I love my radio. Rick Steves' subject - The Mexican Borderlands: The Rio Grande and Baja California. He interviews Keith Bowden who spent the better part of a winter canoeing the length of the Rio Grande from El Paso to the Gulf. Pad Thai With Tofu for dinner. I conk out soon after dinner. I have a lot of sleep to catch up with.

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