Tuesday, November 11, 2014

dinsdag 11 november 2014

dinsdag 11 november 2014 Restless night again. Up at 3:24. Watch France 24. France unveils new monument to commemorate WWI. The new 8-million euro memorial consists of 500 steel plates with the names of the 579,606 soldiers from around the world who died between 1914 and 1918. The ring, a symbol of unity, is meant to bring together all of the fallen soldiers - regardless of their nationalities or religions. It's also Singles Day - a day for people who are single, celebrated on November 11 (11/11). The date is chosen for the connection between singles and the number '1'.
Mushroom pizza for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. As usual, on a day off, I go through old vids. This takes me back to infancy. Oy! Hall & Oates - I Can't Go For That (1981). Can't help but revert to the past... Young Frankenstein. The scariest comedy of all time!
I should put socks for these Converves. Whew! Holy Chucks!  It's windy and chilly on my walk down Pike Street. The sun is going behind the Clock.

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