Wednesday, January 28, 2015

woensdag 28 januari 2015

woensdag 28 januari 2015 At 1:58 AM, Michael knocks on my door. My wake-up. The guys are almost ready to leave for California. Head downstairs. Gregg is watching a movie - Ruthless People. Towards the end, they chase each other to the Santa Monica Pier in that beat up car. All that money in the water... Fun!
Wow. It seems that the guys cleaned up the house while I was asleep. The cats and I say good-bye. Off they go! A 13-hour drive down to Sacramento. I hope that they'll beat rush-hour in Portland. Wash a load of laundry. Snow storm news on CNN - Snow storm buries eastern Massachusetts, but the sun returns. 5:19 - My friends should be in Olympia, WA or beyond. Chicken stew on toast for breakfast. Turn on Stephanie Miller. Where are my friends? Portland? 7 - 7:30?
Sorry, Steph. Too tired to stay awake for the whole show. Clink! My glasses fall on the floor, and I can't find them. Frustration! There's Thom Hartmann going on about The Oligarchy. Research the WTA to explore Bellingham with public transportation. I'm afraid about getting lost, and my adrenaline is pumping. Still, I catch #540 on Sweetbay and head downtown. My goal - Haggen's at Sehome Village. It's easy. I can't believe how much the students of Western Washington University dominate the system. I'm a 58-year-old on this bus.  I actually feel young seeing all these kids around me.  Pass through the Viking Union on my way back. I should have worn shorts... like all the kids. At the transit center, I need help. The drivers and staff try to find my ride to Sweetbay Drive. Heading back confuses me. As we head down Lakeway Drive on the #540, I recognize my stop. I take the foot-path through the woods. Voila! I'm home... and the cats want food. AMC is showing X-Men. 2000? Forteen years ago? Hugh Jackman still has what it takes.

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